In keeping with all things spiritual and mythological I’ve explored creating my own versions of Sun Faces. I started with the traditional version and thought that I could use this for so much more. In many of these sun faces I’ve incorporated surface decorations for certain Sun Faces that illustrate a concept or thought. I’ve borrowed bits and pieces of imagery from from various sources and cultures, trying to make these images my own. I enjoy trying to create the symbol within a symbol, the Sun Face being a symbol of a major life giving deity in cultures and civilizations in history. I have then used the “face” of the sun as a canvas to work out other concepts, such as an eagle or hawk to symbolize freedom and/or inner far-sighted-ness. In a recent version, I’ve created the rays of the sun to be reminiscent of a lions mane, which also was an ancient symbol of the sun, symbolizing strength or power, and was identified with sun worship and the power of both gods and goddesses.